Wednesday, December 22, 2010

First job

I need to first apologize in advance. This will be an abbreviated post, since I just found out that I only have 7.5 hours until I leave for my next job, which means i will have had less than 36 hours from the end of one job to the start of another. Time certainly flies. It also means I will once again have no internet out on the rig and this job will probably last for at least a week and likely closer to 2, meaning another post is highly unlikely

Life has certainly been exciting though. I finally got to go to my first job. The way SLB works is our clients request services for their oilfield and then we drive out to their rig and perform the services. So far, I've only been at our base, cleaning and learning about the tools. Now, I now finally got to see everything in action.

I decided it's probably easier if I just let the captions to the pictures do the story-telling. And I'm running short on time and still need to re-pack and all that.

The start of my drive from the airport to the rig. Literally the only thing we saw was a pipeline

Your thoughts on being 20km from Iraq?

Yup, pretty much nothingness

The Rig!!

The accomodations. I got my own room.

Rig at night. PS, it gets unnecessarily cold at night in the desert

View from the rig. Serious desert.

These containers were the accomodations

No toilet seat...

To Mike Lazzara: this might've been the best gift ever. I worked night shift on the rig and the guys I worked with fell in love with this flashlight. They were absolutely mesmerized and hadn't seen anything like it!

Getting ready for the 1200km drive back to Al Khobar

I really am impressed with the beauty of alot of the mosques.

First sit-on-the-ground meal in Saudi

Genie in a bottle?

Just like Argentina: stray dogs everywhere. Somewhere Bob Barker is bawling his eyes out.

Camel herders were all over the highways. Apparently roughly 3 camels are worth 1 automobile.

Camping season

I couldn't tell if people were camping there or actually lived there

Don't think they have those in the US

Like I said, sorry for the brief post, but Merry Christmas everybody!

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